About us

Haus Architects Studio (HAS) is an architecture, design, and consultancy firm based on a human-centered design approach through neuroscience, design thinking, user experience, research, and evidence-based design.

Our projects span the residential, institutional, commercial, gastronomic, and cultural sectors and have been published in renowned magazines, newspapers, and TV programs.

Based in Lima-Perú and founded in 2005 by Architects Camila Ruiz Figari and Gary Pierce, HAS is committed to creating positive connections between the built environment and people to promote human well-being and sustainable societies.



Master in Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design - Università Iuav di Venezia 2022 I Design Thinking - Cornell 2021 I Architect - UPC 2004 I International Associate AIA

Architect -UPC 2005 I International Associate AIA